Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Soapbox: Why are Americans So Fat

There are not many issues that will make me get out my soapbox, but the one on the top of my list is how Americans have become a very fat society. So this is a bit of a rant, but it is my blog and I can say whatever my heart desires.

This week I happened upon an investigative report done by CNN, actually I have seen it twice. I was fascinated by the points they brought up about how and why America has become fat. The title is: Fed Up: America’s Killer Diet.

At this point in time I am not over weight, but have been several times in my life and I know why; over eating and eating the wrong foods. Many people eat for comfort, but I am the opposite, so when depressed I lose weight. When I am happy, I love to eat. Maybe that is due to when I am happy I am more social and part of being social is eating. You know, “come on over for dinner or let’s go out to eat”. In the last few years food has become less important and I find it easier to stay somewhat thin.

We all have our addictions; mine is smoking. I have been really ticked off since South Dakota has raised taxes on cigarettes. Why? I had been hearing some of that money was to go to taking care of people who have health issues from smoking. Yes, there are a lot of health issues associated from smoking. I wonder where all the money is going and should find out. I am tired of all the “sin” taxes and think some of it should go to areas which are more detrimental to one’s health.

What are the health issues that stem from over being over weight and how much do they cost us? Years ago I wrote our legislators and asked them why they do not put a tax on all the junk foods and fast foods, as they REALLY are a health hazard. (I also asked them why we are feeding kids junk foods in the schools?) Can you believe I never got a reply? Suppose they thought I was some crack pot?

(I was happy to hear that in the last few years the schools have cleaned up their act considerably, but probably have a ways to go. Maybe a health and nutrition course should be mandatory on a yearly basis? Do they still have Home Ec? It was a good way to learn to cook!)

It does not help when some familiess live on take out/drive thru foods. I know of several families who do just that, and I know there are a lot more out there. Then there are the families who use a lot of convenience foods. You know the prepackaged, heat in the nuker stuff? We all have taken advantage of this wonderful time saver stuff, but do not think about what is in them and how healthy they are for us.

The report on CNN gives an example of Twinkies, which I found interesting. Originally Twinkies were made from sponge cake with flour, sugar, etc. and the cream filling was made with cream. The shelf life was 3 days. To make a longer shelf life they use additives and the shelf life is now 26 days. (I was always told that Twinkies do not have any expiration date and will be here to feed the cockroaches long after we humans blow ourselves off the planet!)

But when you start thinking about all the strange, unpronounceable contents listed on labels, you have to wonder. What are these ingredients which have replaced REAL ingredients, you know; eggs, butter, flour, sugar? Then….how are they affecting our health, not to mention weight?

Another thought from this article is how the concept of “cooking” has changed in the last few decades. Cooking now is viewed more as bringing something home from the grocery store and heating it up or making it from a mix etc. Many people say they do not have time to cook, but start thinking how long it ACTUALLY takes in the grocery store, the drive thru or take out.

My idea of cooking is peeling potatoes and carrots to put in with a piece of meat or poultry in a roaster and it goes into the oven until done. Then I might take the drippings from the roaster to make a bit of gravy. Heart attack on a plate? I am beginning to wonder if it really is, but who am I to question?

(So, mental health experts tell us that the family who sits down to dinner together is good because the kids are less likely to get into trouble or do drugs or alcohol, it is a good thing? When a family sits down at the table with a bucket of chicken or a bag of burgers, does it constitute a family meal? Do people still sit down at the table and have food? Life has changed in the last 25 years.)

What price are we paying for all the convenience? Does it really take longer to cook from scratch? Yes, it does and it takes some planning too. It can be done, if one has the ambition. You also have the opportunity of portion control in this “super sized" world, and that is a major factor in reducing your weight.

There are health benefits of cooking from scratch, then add up the dollars you save from making real food at home, it might be incentive for people to rethink their idea of cooking. Say you want hamburgers for dinner. A pound of burger is $2-3, then the buns about $1, maybe some onion for about $.50 and a bit of catsup and mustard? It is all less than $5 even with the energy used to cook it and wash the dishes. That would give you 4 burgers with out additives or fillers for $1 - $1.25 each. Do you really need the fries?
Please take the time to read the article as it is very enlightening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
